Monday, December 24, 2012

Sunset On The Reza Show

Normally I don't do blogs on any of the shows on Bravo because so many blogs are already dedicated to these shows and are done much better than I could ever hope to do.  This blog is not a recap of last nights episode but rather my response to the very ignorant and offensive remarks made by Reza Farahan last night on the show, The Shahs of Sunset.

Last night, in one fell swoop, Reza managed to get himself put on my "Your A Rank Bitch" list.  He remarked that "monogamy in the gay community was like don't ask, don't tell.  As long you don't come home with something you didn't leave with your okay."  As soon as I got done picking my chin up off of the floor I got angry.  I was thinking, "who the hell does this fucktard think he is to be speaking on behalf of the entire gay community?"  That is certainly not how I nor any of my gay friends view monogamy.  Reza, who is one of the few openly gay Persians in the  Beverly Hills real estate scene should know better than to make such an ignorant remark.  It just supports and give validity to stigmas that surround and get slung at the gay community.

It is these types of images, stereotypes and stigmas which are used by those who oppose gay equality.  Basically, it portrays gay men as some sort of sex crazed animal who is morally bankrupt.  I am so tired of having to live down the stigma that all gay men are narcissistic, shallow peacocks who run around having wild sex and don't deserve to be treated with respect.  It just pisses me off.

My being gay is only one aspect of my personality.  It is not who I am nor what defines me.  All my homosexuality does it add a little flavor to the person I am.  So when I see or hear gay men, a prominent gay men, like Reza make such stupid, ignorant remarks my blood boils.  Reza doesn't live in the real world.  He lives in world where anything can be overlooked if you have enough money.  For the rest of poor schlubs who live and work in the real world, we will have to suffer the consequences of Reza's remarks. 

Reza looks like the pudgy love child of Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler.  He dresses like a peacock on crack.  What attracts people to Reza is a mask of superficiality and cockiness that covers up all the years of probable teasing he took as a fat, Persian kid without a father who grew up in Beverly Hills.  In his bio, on Bravo TV's website its says, "Born in Tehran, Iran, and raised in Beverly Hills, Reza is a 38-year-old prominent player in the Los Angeles real estate world. He is one of few openly gay Persians in the community and often struggles with gossip and prejudice regarding his sexuality. Reza’s family supports him in spite of the pressure they feel to ostracize him. Despite his untraditional style, Reza is an old fashioned guy at heart who wants a partner, a family, and the American White Picket Fence happy ending, but he is going to have to get past the baggage he carries from his upbringing to achieve it."

"Untraditional" style?  Are you kidding me?  Reza is a self-loathing, emotionally stunted idiot.  Reza, "an old fashioned guy at heart who wants a partner, a family and the the American white picket fence happy ending?"  Who the hell isn't buying that bullshit?  Great way to put a spin on the asshole that is Reza.  According to Reza, the cut off for being the gay town pump is 55.   For someone who is  Reza's age, this type of behavior is beyond insipid, its embarrassing.  Its embarrassing to watch this man think a 25 year old finds him attractive.  Trust me when I tell you, that little twink in the club is not seeing Reza's eyes, ass or bulge.  They don't want to get to know him.  What they want is his Cartier watch, the Gucci shoes and all that comes with his money, they are seeing his bling and are doing the math.  Reza is delusional if he thinks he is pretty.  He is not.   Reza walks around with enough cockiness that it will draw in  people but in the end most people will see him for what his is, a sad, damaged little man.  

This behavior will bite him in the ass.  I have seen it happen many times.  Reza will end up, as MJ said to him, "you will end up old and alone if you continue to act like this" and he will.  Wealth can buy many things but true love, loyalty and happiness are not for sale.   I see Reza in 20 years, fatter, older and in a panic because the youth he attracts to easily and uses to cover his emotional damage now will cost him much more at 58 than at 38.  Desperateness is not attractive.

We are watching Reza date a man, Adam.  Adam is handsome and appears to be sweet.  As we all know, this current season is filmed months ago, so I don't know if they are still dating.  We are watching as Reza publicly humiliates this man.  If they are still dating my best advice to Adam is this,  "Adam honey, run.  Run like the wind and never look back.  This guy is a douche lord."

Reza has shown me and I am sure the world at this point, what an epic miss as human he really his.  His false bravado and self-loathing behavior is not cute, funny nor attractive.  I am disgusted with him.  I have gone from fan to hater in under 60 minutes.  I will no longer pull any punches for this man.  He is on my radar and I no longer feel the need to temper my words for him.  Its on Reza, like Donkey Kong.  I will continue to watch the train wreck you are because who doesn't love to watch a jerk get his comeuppance.  It makes for good TV.

I was hoping Reza would be a positive role model for the gay community.  I am sure many within the Persian community were feeling the same way.  In the end though, the only thing Reza represents on this show is every stigma the rest of us in the gay community spent the last 20 years trying to live down.  For me, the sun has set on the Reza Farahan show.

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