Monday, December 3, 2012

Nuclear Reaction - Taylor Armstrong

I found my reaction this evening to Taylor Armstrong to be well...over the top, even for me.  I had an actual physical reaction to her.  The way she moves, speaks and interacts with the other ladies on the show just makes me angry.  I am not an angry person by nature, but this woman just reaches in and tweaks the snot out of me.  I don't like it.

I am sure most of my followers, who love my funny tweets, noticed that I was off tonight.  I was.  In thinking about my reaction to Taylor I have come to some conclusions.  First, the fact that she is a con-artist bothers me.  Followed by her innate ability to see the flaws in others while completely ignore the glaringly obvious ones in herself.  She is pathological liar.  All of these are the reasons why I do not like this woman.

From the moment she started hinting she was abused I didn't believe her.  Her actions and interactions told me she was more likely to be an abuser than abused.  All the episodes where she gets drunk and attacks the other members of the show told me she was not abused.  This is not to say that abused people do not drink or get high.  They do and probably for good reasons.  It was the way she drank and the level of violence she exhibited when acting out with the other women that told me, if anything, she and  Russell were violent with each other.

What I realized tonight is my anger comes from her lying about being abused.  In a confusing and fucked up way, I felt her lying about being abused somehow diminished my own past abuse.  I realized that is not the case.  Taylor can lie and get people to buy her bullshit, but...but at the end of the day its just that, bullshit.  Her behavior will never diminish my past trauma nor anyone else's for that matter.  Progress right?

What does concern me is that her behavior will diminish the very real and present danger that every person, no matter their age, sex or economics, face.  That the public will see this succubi and her bullshit and become desensitized to the whole domestic violence situation.  She is on national TV.  She is currently the face of domestic violence or so she wants us to believe.  The only other person I can think of is RiRi (Rhianna) and her on and off again boyfriend Fist (Chris) Brown.  Another not so good example for the millions to see.

Could I be wrong about Taylor?  Sure.  Do I think I am?  Hell no!  This is how I see it.  Shauna Hughes, aka Taylor Hughes, aka Taylor Armstrong and Russell worked together to defraud and cheat people.  Long before Russell, Taylor was attempting to pass herself off as a member of the Ford (yes, the cars) family.  Her and Russell have worked in forming many different companies, such as the Nobel Foundation, which were nothing more than fronts for the grifts they currently were doing.  In fact, the actual Nobel family, famous for the Nobel Award, had to legally get Russell and Taylor to change the name of their company because they were intentionally misleading people about the true nature of their company.  With all the different names, Shauna Hughes, Shauna Ford, Shauna Taylor, Taylor Ford and Taylor Ford-Armstrong I just feel she is a consummate liar.

I think Taylor and Russell worked together to defraud people.  I think when the economy took a dive, most of the money they had rolling in from defrauding people dried up.  Tensions mounted, substances were abused, and fights erupted because the whole house of cards was crumbling around their feet.  The one thing a con-artist hates is to be found out.  Filing for bankruptcy, and potentially loosing their home was probably too much for the couple.  Being both very selfish people, it makes sense they would blame the other person.  I think Taylor was violent with Russell and he was probably violent with her.  Was Taylor a domestic abuse victim?  NO.  I believe she would get drunk, get into fights with her husband that escalated into physical violence.  What the relationship unhealthy?  Yes.  Due to the fact she and Russell were both con-artists.

Taylor doesn't resemble anyone, including myself, I have ever know that has truly been in an abusive relationship.  It took me 10 years of therapy to finally be able to stand up for myself after I left my abusive relationship.  To this day I don't allow myself the luxury of getting drunk around people I barely now.  There is danger in that!  I still jump a mile in the air if a person touches me.  Even when I care about them or if they are doing it nicely.  I consistently see Taylor bashing others.  I see her have no fear of getting up in someones face.  Talk to the people in my personal life, they will tell you that my tolerance level is very high.  I am not known for verbally violent outbursts.  Rather I am known to be very controlled, even under the most trying circumstances.  All very common traits many exhibit after severe abuse.

I thought about this tonight.  How many people are still buying the bullshit she is peddling.  It sickens me.  I did learn though that her actions do not diminish my experiences nor anyone else.  I will continue to slam Taylor with the truth every single chance I get.  I will to scream from the mountain tops that she is fraud.  It is my right under the first amendment.  I hope people listen and really think about Taylor.  Do some simple Googling and read all the reports on that woman.   For me, Taylor is a tragic miss as a person.  A liar, a cheat and pathetic excuse for a human being.  I pity her daughter for having her as a mother.  Most of all I am glad I understand myself and my reaction to her better.  I can move on from her and know she is, at best, a joke.

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