Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Down and Out in Beverly Hills - Reality Responsibility

I normally do not blog about the housewives.  This blog is a response to what I witnessed with Taylor Armstrong and Kim Richards, both cast members on the Bravo TV's Real Housewives of Beverly Hills this week.  I am still in shock over the change in Kim's appearance from the first episode to number 3 which aired last night.  Kim, who is a self confessed alcoholic, only had maybe 60 days clean when they started filming for Season 3.  I am not a professional, but this is cruel.  I cannot imagine any mental health professional, nor rehab counselor ever giving their okay to a person, who is new into recovery, tape a reality show.  Especially one on Bravo.

Let me just start out by saying I do not like Kim.  I find her a sad story.  She is an aging child star with obvious mental and substance abuse issues.  Kim is one of those people that have fallen through the cracks.  She has.  Lets not pussyfoot around the issue.  She is a broke bitch.  She has obviously spent the money she made from the Disney movies she starred in.  We hear from Kim's sister, Kyle, that they have been underwriting Kim's life for years.  More sadness.  From a "bitch gotta get paid" standpoint I understand why she is one the show.  Its just sad to see a person committing the slowest form of suicide each week on TV for a few dollars.

We all witnessed Kim's cosmic melt downs last year.  All her drunken follies were televised.  Her drug use was as plain as the nose on my face.  She found that plastic sandwich bag and straw in the back of the limo and proudly exclaimed to the camera that "its not mine, I don't know whose it is".  Really?  

Besides all the drama, cattiness that make the housewives show watchable, Kim is a person.  When the season premiered I notice a marked physical change in Kim.  She looked good.  Healthy.  We are now into the 3rd episode of the show and Kim is looking like a wreck.  I am seeing the gaunt, lack of sleep, dull, glazed look of a good buzz in her face.  She is slurring her words.  I may not like Kim on the show but I certainly do not wish to see her emotionally implode on national TV.  

I am disgusted with how this woman is being used and treated.  I would never expect Kim's fame whore sisters, Kyle Richards or Kathy Hilton (Paris Hilton's mother) to support Kim and suggest her taking a season off of the show to get some sober time in...but...what about Bravo TV?  What the hell is wrong with this network?  Are ratings that important?  

I think Kim should not be on the show period.  She is obviously using again.  I believe she is a cross addicted person.  She loves the hooch and the drugs.   I also think Kim could possibly have a mental condition other than her issues with anxiety.  I think she might be bi-polar or even major depressive.  To have this women on a show that is so invasive is beyond cruel.  If that were my sister, I would have her Baker Acted and sue the hell out of Bravo.  I cannot believe Kim's signature on a contract would even be considered binding since she probably signed under the influence.  If  I were her brother, I would be holding Bravo TV personally responsible for her should anything happen.

Now on to Taylor, Lips Inc., Armstrong.  I have always been very vocal about the fact I didn't believe a word that fell off the super huge lips of Taylor.  She is a grifter, liar, and con artist extraordinaire.  Again, I cannot believe this woman is allowed to be on a reality show.  It has, at the time of taping, been only about 9 months after her husband hung himself!  It makes me want to vomit.  Let me go on the record, openly and publicly, that I do not believe for one nano second that Taylor was the victim of domestic abuse.  Do I think she was in an unhealthy relationship?  Sure.  I believe she hit Russell and he smacked her.  I think they were both very verbally and physically abusive to each other.

Taylor is not your run of the mill broad.  She has a long history of lying.  Almost as big as her lips is the amount of people that both she and Russell scammed money out of.  This is not the lost little waif from Oklahoma she would like us all to believe.  She is a very cunning and criminally sophisticated woman.

I think the reason why Taylor and her "victim status" so outrage me is because I am a survivor of domestic abuse.  I was also raised by a verbally and physically abusive mother (see my blog, Open Letter to Mother).  As a person who has lived with a man who brutally beat me, poured boiling water on me, and threw me out of moving car I believe myself to be somewhat of a expert on domestic violence.  What I am seeing in Taylor and her behaviors is not jiving with my experience nor anyone else's I have known or spoken with.

Taylor's behavior is just not consistent with someone who has been brutalized by a spouse.  She drinks uncontrollably  places herself in very unsafe conditions and runs around telling anyone who will stand still long enough, just what a victim she is.  It just doesn't jive.  

For 2 years we have watched and listened to Taylor go on and on about what Russell was doing to her.  For 2 years I have never seen a mark.  Not one.  The supposed black eye she had on the final episode of season 2 was bullshit.  She looked as if she had been on a bender,  not gotten the shit kicked out her as she proposed had happened.  For 2 years we have watched Taylor's moods swing between victim and victimizer.  She gets drunk and starts screaming at people and trying to physically attack them.  Her behavior is that of a narcissistic person not a victim.

From my own experience as a child who was constantly beaten, I was always too ashamed to tell anyone.  In my marriage, again, more shame.  I didn't even tell my closest friends.  I have had employers pull me aside and ask about bruises, stitches, broken noses and arms and silently died on the inside of shame and humiliation.  Why have we never seen any of this from Taylor?  Someone, somewhere has had to have seen something, yet no one comes forward to back up her claims.

I am calling for the removal of Taylor from the show.  She sets the Domestic Violence movement back 20 years.  She is only a poster child for the death penalty in my eyes.  Lying about being brutalized by a spouse is on par with saying you have cancer and don't have it, only to gain sympathy.  Its disgusting and deplorable   It minimizes those who have suffered, will suffer and are suffering at the hands of a loved one.  

When Russell committed suicide, I called on Bravo to take what was horrible situation and use it and educate the public on suicide and domestic violence.  This was a network, it had a national platform in which to get the message out.   Instead, we got a 5 minute prologue of the other wives and husbands sitting around talking about Taylor and an 800 number flashed on the screen.

For any of you that follow me on Twitter, you know I have razor sharp whit and a very snarky sense of humor.  I cannot find any humor in watching a person slowly destroy themselves with booze and/or drugs.  Bravo should be ashamed of themselves for putting Kim on this season in any capacity other than a cameo spot, if at all.  I cannot believe I have not heard more of an outcry from the masses where Kim is concerned.  Where the hell is Dr. Drew?  Why hasn't he weighed in on Kim?.  Normally he has his two cents in on everything related to celebs and their drug/alcohol issues.  Am I the only one that is sad to see Kim be trotted out in front of the camera's like a present day Judy Garland?

I would like to think anyone who has ever been abused would see Taylor for the fraud she is.  Again, I cannot be the only one to see this!  Can I?  Really?  Blogs have been written, new articles published about what a consummate liar she is but no one has taken the time to really get to the bottom of her fake abuse allegations.  Russell's family, ex-wife all say he was incapable of that level of violence.  Normally, abusers kill others not themselves.  I am just so outraged by this woman.  

I would like to hope that whomever reads this blog thinks about how a network who wants to desperately  be known for its Gay friendly, female empowerment programming could possibly be letting these two women continue to appear on their network.  Where is Bravo TV's social conscience?  Where are we, as viewers/consumers of Bravo's programming, in demanding some form of social responsibility from Bravo?

It is already too late for this season but do we have to endure another season of watching Kim slowly kill herself?  Do we really have to be subjected to Taylor and her lies next season?  Please think about how you feel about Kim and Taylor and make your thoughts known and heard at Bravo TV. 

1 comment:

  1. I Love this. I can't get enough of the Taylor "Lips Inc." Armstrong. Very well written. Keep up the GREAT work
