Saturday, April 20, 2013

I Am A Vaper

I have officially entered a new world.  The wonderfully strange, exotic and sometimes overwhelming world of electronic smoking.  Vaporizing or ECigs are the latest rage.  Recently a friend of mine turned me on to this electric vaporizing contraption.  See the pic....

It basically turns nicotine oil into a vapor, hence you get the nicotine without actually smoking.  I was a pack a day smoker.   For the last 4 years I have been rolling my own, another world that was mastered.  I started rolling my own cigarettes when I moved from Virginia to Connecticut and I saw a pack of cigs go from $3.20 in VA to almost $9.00 in CT.  By rolling my own cigarettes I could for the price of one carton smoke for an entire month.

I have to admit I liked smoking.  I loved the ritual of smoking.  What I didn't like was the smell and the mess around the house.  I tried smoking outside, but lets face it I am a wuss when it comes to being too cold or too hot.  I think I smoked outside for all of 2 days.  Needless to say, my house smelled like cigs.   No matter what I did, I could never really get rid of the smell.  Then there was the annoying ashes everywhere.

So you can imagine my surprise when my friend, another ardent, long time smoker got this little contraption and had no cravings and actually enjoyed the damn thing.  First my friend reported 3 days and no cigs, then a week and now its been over a month for her.  I received my contraption from my friend for my birthday.  That was over a week ago.  I have had 6 cigs since I started "Vaping" as they call it.

I actually am enjoying the fact that the nicotine smell is leaving my house.  While I collect ashtrays, I don't use one anymore.  Maybe they can become candy dishes?  Anyhow, there is an entire sub-culture for this product.  The technical term is Vaporizor.  In the above picture, the part I am holding with my hand is actually a rechargeable Lithium battery with different voltage settings.  The top part where the "ejuice" is (smokey colored class section) loaded is called a "cartomizer".  This is where the coil heats up a cloth wick and turns the oil into a vapor which I then inhale.  My entire kit runs around $35.00 for both pieces and a bottle of "ejuice".  Still cheaper than a carton of cigs or even a bag of loose tabacco to roll.

The vapor tastes very much like a menthol cig.  There is no smell and can legally be inhaled just about anywhere.  Just today I walked down the isle at my local supermarket "vaping" away while shopping.  There are no laws regarding vaping and I love to tell folks that fact.  

As always, I turned to the internet to learn more about my new toy and was overwhelmed at the sub-culture that I found.  There is an entire movement out in the world.  I just kept thinking to myself, "why hadn't I heard of this before?"  Its cheap, effective and the health risks compared to smoking are all but nonexistent.  There is a whole set of jargon and lingo that goes with my new toy.  Blogs, youtube videos and internet shops galore!  Imagine my amazement.

Anyone who knows me knows I embrace technology freely.  I am a guy after all.  I love all things electronic so it seems very logical for me to electronically smoke.  Hell, everything in my life is rechargeable.  I like the idea of getting my nicotine fix without any of the muss, fuss or expense.  I have trolled the net and have learned much.  I have yet to find a down side.

It appears I will be now smoking for only $20 a month.  The cost of the "ejuice".   Big difference from over $100 a month I was spending.  Not to mention the fact  I spent countless hours rolling those G-ddamn cigs and then had the smell and mess from them.  I also like the people that I have come into contact with.  They are all very helpful and share little secrets they have learned along the way.  Which batteries are the best, which cartomizers work and what flavors of oils they like.  No one can help me enough.  

So there you have it, I am a "Vaper" to put it in their vernacular.  I plan on eventually quitting.  The oils come in varying strengths of nicotine so I will be able to gradually cut down my nicotine intake and eventually stop smoking.  I have tried and failed far too many times with the patch, the gum, hypnosis and cold turkey to know that I have the will power of a whore on a Marine base, on pay day, trying to regain my virtue.  Its good to be honest right?  

Welcome to my newest obsession and possibly my salvation from smoking cigs.  I wonder how many of you know of this or are doing this too?   I am off to "Vape" and have some coffee!  :)  

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